關於「覺人」的補述                 楊  洪 (一九九六年)

  (編者按:四年前「香港覺友」創刊號刊出梁惠蓮女士「懷胎靜坐」一文,四年後,香港覺友為楊洪老師餞行時,梁女上曾與楊老師談到她那四歲孩子的情形,此文即楊老師對該次談話的記述。 )

靜 坐如何在我們身上發生作用?相信有靜坐內在經驗的「覺者」都有一定程度的了解及體驗,但靜坐如何影響一個「覺人」(即在胎中已受母親靜坐的影響而發育成長 的嬰孩),則已然超乎一般人可了解的程度,其真正的情況如何?我們祇能求證於事實與經驗及靜坐的道理而不能求證於實驗室中。


但 人類這腦的設計,正是影響每個個體的身心健康及人類的進化(及退化)的所在,是故這靜坐對「覺人」的影響,是值得我們作研究及探討的,然而,這「覺人」的 事實,在「意識自覺」運動的推廣發展中,我們已經掌握了若干事例與經驗,對日後靜坐的研究及發展方向,極有啟發作用。我們應以科學之態度去對待此非現代科 學範疇能了解的事實,令靜坐的系統更完整。

覺友梁惠蓮,在懷孕十四週期間,因子宮不正常發展引致數次嚴重出血,經靜坐後情況徹底改 善,並順利誕下嬰兒,至今經已四年多了(註;梁女士的懷孕靜坐記述,在「台北覺友」第一期及「香港覺友」創刊號均有記述,此處不贅),而這「覺人」的成長 情況,是值得我們跟進研究的,以下就是梁女士的敘述:

    我的寶寶文樂出生至今經已四年多了,回想懷孕初期,非常辛苦,在十四週時,差不多想放棄這孩子,但幸運地接觸到了靜坐,使我順利的將孩子產下來。寶寶出生 的時候,有8磅多重,給了我一個驚喜,因為在如此情況下(即在早期子宮出血而我吃得及睡得不好的情況下),料想這孩子會有先天不足的問題,但結果出乎意料 之外。

    寶寶在我懷內四個月大的時候,醫生測度了他頭骨的大小,說他的頭骨比其他的大,並開玩笑的說「你的孩子將來一定很聰明的囉!但隨後他又說因孩子的頭骨太大 而我的子宮壁生長不平均將來臨盆時可能要開刀。當時我非常的擔心。但我靜坐從不間斷,因已發生在我身上的奇妙進展使我覺得靜坐可能會助我安渡這關口,終於 很順利的誕下了寶寶。

    其實寶寶是我的第二個孩子,我尚有一個大兒子,比寶寶年長六年多,我給寶寶的名字叫文樂的原因,是我覺得他是一個非常快樂的孩子。除非他是餓了要索食的時 候,否則很少哭的,每次睡醒了見到人的時候,他便笑得非常開心。在寶寶成長期間,有著很多跟他哥哥不同的地方,在此作以下一些簡短的說明

    一、寶寶的觸覺非常敏銳,對週遭的環境感應力很強,反應很快,在嬰孩時任何人一進入育嬰房時,他便立時覺知到,亮晶晶的眼睛跟著你走。未及一週歲已學習行 走,滿一週歲後便不需用尿布。學習能力高且快,例如學習坐,學習走路,學習說話等都比哥哥早及很快便掌握得到。

    二、寶寶的健康非常好,體重很正常,不大胖也不大瘦,定期帶他往健康院檢查,一切正常。他非常好動,有活力,終日爬高爬低,抵抗力很強,例如注射防疫針, 如白喉,小兒麻痺症等,大多孩子都有發燒發熱及其他反應,但他在注射日只有極輕微的發熱,次日一切如常,唯一有一點比較特別的,就是他的汗水特別多,經常 全身濕透,我們以為他不正常,但經健康院檢查後發覺沒有問題,可能是他的汗腺特別發達之故。


    四、寶寶的記憶力很強,對學習的事物吸收得很快,例如在上學的初期,他可以記下十多個同學的名字,上學後約四個月便全熟認了英文的26個字母,無論你抽出 任何一個字母,他都可以讀出,數目字亦是一樣,在三歲時對8個位數字的電話號碼竟然記得很多個,每天都撥電話給、婆婆、姨姨等;每天早上撥電話聽天氣報 告,然後便告訴家中的佣人今天是晴是雨。
每天他在學校內所學到的或有什麼發生的,他都對你說,初時我覺得不大特別,但當我與其他孩子的母親交換了 解下,發覺他比其他孩子懂得很多。在他三歲半時教他唸唐詩,他很快便記下,暢順地背誦出來,唸時搖頭擺腦,認真非常。當你教他及吩咐他做的東西,他都記得 去做,如果你忘記了的,他亦會提醒,在電視劇集播放那些歌曲,他很快便模仿唱出來,逗得爺爺、公公等非常開心。

    五、寶寶的求知欲很強,差不多是每事問,每天的早上,他都正正經經的拿出上日所學習過的課本溫習一遍,更曉得安排時間,每天放學回家,必先做妥功課才玩 耍,是故玩得非常開心,了無牽掛。帶回家寫的字,一般孩子要花一點鐘才完成的,他只需15至20分鐘便做妥。

    六、寶寶非常懂關心別人,例如家中的佣人,當工作得非常忙碌及辛苦的時候,他會走過去對她說:「你辛苦不?不如坐下休息一會,陪我玩一會兒,那些工作慢慢 做吧!」逗得她非常開心。有時他察覺你不開心,他會走過來逗你開心,知道你身體不舒服,他會關心的問你,使你感到暖洋洋的。

    七、寶寶的表現很老成,家中有電話響起,他會爭著接聽,像個管家,無論對方是何人,祇要是曾經致電來過的,不待對方說出,他都能辯認出是誰人先打招呼,很 有禮貌的應對。當我朋友知道他是一個祇三歲的孩子時,都感覺詫異,他不喜歡人們視他為小孩子,常常希望自己快些長大,時常問:「媽咪!我什麼時候才長得跟 爸爸一樣大呀?」。在他兩歲多時,他便不喜歡坐在家中的嬰兒椅上;帶他往酒家喝茶,他更拒絕坐上嬰兒椅子上,侍應們都說很奇怪,這麼小的孩子能乖乖的坐在 成年人的椅子上。
    八、寶寶的膽色很大,自小已不怕黑 暗,深夜正O,問他害怕不?他會挺著胸說不怕。在兩歲時,帶他往公園溜滑梯,他跟著那些大孩子們往高處爬,一點也不畏縮,帶他往海洋公園泳池戲水,他一點 也不懼怕,還玩得非常開心,一刻也不作休息,玩畢更換衣服後,倒頭便睡著了,在新年期間帶他到澳門旅遊,看見其他人燒爆竹,便嚷著要嘗試在四週爆竹聲中, 一點也不害怕。
    九、寶寶很喜歡吃,每天當我下班回家 踏入門口之際,當看見我手中挽著東西,他便問:「媽咪!買了什麼東西回家吃呀?」。他很少要求買玩具,但喜歡食物,且不偏食,什麼食物,不論甜、酸、苦、 辣的都要嘗試,尤其喜歡吃蔬果,看見是青青綠綠的便要吃,喜歡喝橙汁,剝了皮,去了核的橙,他可以一口氣吃下兩個,亦喜歡喝牛奶,每晚睡前要喝上20安士 以上才上床睡覺。

    腸胃很好,雪糕、汽水都喜歡吃,反之,他的哥哥便不能吃寒涼的食物,因為有鼻敏感、氣管炎的問題。但有一點非常奇怪的地方,當寶寶抱恙的時候,不喜歡看西 醫,吃甜甜的西藥,反而非常堅持的要看中醫伯伯,喝苦茶,當煎好了茶後,他便骨碌骨碌的喝將下去,亦不會嚷著要涼果送口。

    以 上記述的都是寶賓的生活點滴,當然很多人會認為在每一個母親眼中的孩子是比人家的特別,但事實上,根據醫生、護士、親友、幼稚園的老師及家長的看法,寶寶 確然有很多與別人不同的地方,例如我家照顧孩子們的佣人,她跟我說,將大兒子跟小兒子的比較下,無論在膽色、健康、學習能力、記憶力、適應力及接受能力、 小的比大的強得多,我深信這是由於我懷著寶寶時靜坐的結果。總而言之,這孩子帶給我們的是喜悅與歡欣,而不是累贅。


(以 上梁女士的敘述,使我們對「覺人」這事實,有一定程度的了解。人類生活在這不斷轉變及遭受不同程度污染的環境中,如何孕育出一個更強更能適應環境,更能承 受壓力、更慈愛、更「熱血」的下一代,是非常重要的,這關係著整體人類的未來。希望席老師能抽出寶貴的時間,寫一點關於「覺人」的著作,令「全程靜坐」的 系統更完整,對未來靜坐的推廣發展方向,有極肯定的幫助及作用!)                  
                                   楊  洪 (一九九六年)
Translation : (translation team)

Supplementary Commentary on "Jueren" ("enlightened person")       by Teacher Yeung Hung

(Editor's note: Four years ago, the first issue of "Hong Kong Meditators" published Ms. Leung Wai Lin’s article "Meditation During Pregnancy".  Four years later, when meditators in Hong Kong held a farewell party for Teacher Yeung Hung, Ms. Leung talked with Teacher Yeung about her four-year-old child. This article is Teacher Yeung's account of the conversation. )

How does meditation work on us? I believe that our meditators who have the inner experience of meditation must have a certain degree of understanding and experience, but how meditation affects an "enlightened person" (that is to say, a baby that has been affected by the mother's meditation in the womb and has grown up) , it is already beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. What is the real situation? We can only seek proof from facts and experience and the principles of meditation as well, but not in the laboratory.

As far as the influence of meditation itself on people's body and mind is concerned, it has gone beyond the scope of modern Western medicine and science. Because of the "immaterial" changes that occur in people who meditates, it is really difficult to find data in the laboratory. With advanced scientific instruments , we can measure the activity of human cells and the fluctuation of brain waves, but it is difficult to measure the attributes and tendencies of people's feelings, thinking, behavior and personality.

But the design of the human brain is what affects the physical and mental health of each individual as well as the evolution (and degeneration) of  human race. Therefore, the influence of meditation on "enlightened person" aforesaid is worthy of our research and discussion. However, in the promotion and development of the "self-awareness of consciousness" movement, we have already mastered a number of examples and experiences of the fact of "enlightened person", which are very instructive for the future research and development of meditation. We should treat this fact that cannot be understood by the scope of modern science with a scientific attitude, so as to make the meditation system more complete.

Meditator Ms Leung Wai Lin, during her 14 weeks pregnancy period, suffered several severe bleeding due to the abnormal development of the uterus. After meditation, the situation improved completely, and the baby was born smoothly. It has been more than four years since born of the baby (note: Ms. Leung’s experience on meditation during pregnancy was already recorded in the first issue of "Taipei Meditators" and the first issue of "Hong Kong Meditators", so I won't repeat it here), and the growth of "enlightened person" is worthy of our follow-up research. The following is Ms Leung’s narrative:
    It has been more than four years since my baby Man Lok (“Man Lok”) was born. Looking back at the early stages of pregnancy, it was very hard to me. At the fourteenth week, I almost wanted to give up the baby, but fortunately, I was exposed to meditation, which enabled me to deliver the baby smoothly. The baby weighed 8 lbs when it was born, which was a surprise to me, because under the circumstances that, with my early uterine bleeding and I wasn’t eating or sleeping well, I was expecting the baby to have a birth defect, but the results were out of my expectation.

    When the baby was four months old in my womb, the doctor measured the size of his skull and said that his skull was bigger than the others, and joked, "Your child must be very smart in the future!" But then he said that because the baby's skull is too big and my uterine wall is not growing evenly. I might have surgery in the future. I was very worried. But I never stopped meditating, because the wonderful progress that had happened to me made me think that meditating might help me get through this hurdle, and finally gave birth to the baby smoothly.

    In fact, Man Lok is my second child. I have an older son who is more than six years older than Man Lok. The reason why I named him Man Lok is because I think he is a very happy kid. Unless he was hungry and asked for food, he seldom cried. Every time he woke up and saw people, he smiled very happily. During the growth period of Man Lok, there are many differences from his brother, here are some brief notes.

    1.     Man Lok’s sense of touch is very keen, it has a strong sense of the surrounding environment, and his reaction is very fast. When he is a little baby,  when anyone enters the nursery, he will be aware of immediately, and his bright eyes will follow she/he/them. Less than one year old he has learned to walk, and after one year old he does not need to use diapers. He has a high and fast learning ability, such as learning to sit, learn to walk, and learn to speak, all of which he mastered earlier and sooner than his elder brother.

    2.     The health of Man Lok is very good, the weight is normal, neither fat nor thin, and he is regularly taken to the health center for check-ups, and everything is found normal. He is very active and energetic, climbs up and down all day long, and has a strong resistance. For example, he was vaccinated against diphtheria, polio, etc. Most of the children have fever and other reactions, but he only had a very mild one on the day of the injection. The next day, everything was as usual. The only thing that was special was that he sweated a lot, and he was often drenched. We thought he was abnormal, but after the examination by the health center, it was found that there was no problem at all. It may be because of his particularly developed sweat glands.
    3.     Man Lok is very adaptable to the environment. When he was three years old, he was taken to the baby class. On the first day of school, he cried a lot, but he stopped crying on the second day, and he got used to the new environment very fast.

    4.     Man Lok has a strong memory and absorbs things quickly. For example, in the early days of school, he can memorize the names of more than ten classmates. After about four months of school, he can fully recognize the 26 letters of the English language, no matter you draw out any letter, he can read it, he can also recognize and read numeric number. When he was three years old, he remembered a lot of 8-digit phone numbers. He dialed every day to grandma, auntie, etc.; He dial every morning the phone to listen to the weather report, and then tell the servant at home whether it is sunny or rainy that day.
He told you every day what he learned or what happened in school. At first, I didn’t think it was special, but when I exchanged with other children’s mothers, I found that he knew a lot more than other children. When he was three and a half years old, he was taught to recite Chinese poems. He quickly memorized them and recited them smoothly, shaking his head showed enjoying the recitation very much. When you teach him and ask him to do things, he will remember how and when to do them. If you forget things, he will also remind you. When you play those songs in TV series, he will imitate and sing them very quickly, making grandpas, and others very happy.

    5.     Man Lok has a strong anxiety for knowledge, and asks almost everything. Every morning, he takes out the textbooks he studied the previous day to review in a serious manner, and knows how to arrange time. Play happily after completing homework, so he have a lot of fun and have no worries. It usually takes a child an hour to complete the words written at home, but he only needs 15 to 20 minutes to complete them.

    6. Man Lok knows how to care about others. For example, when the servant at home is very busy and hard at work, he will go over to her and say, "Are you working hard? Why don't you sit down and rest for a while, play with me for a while, then do your work later slowly!", it makes the servant very happy. Sometimes when he senses that you are unhappy, he will come over to make you happy, when knowing that you are not feeling well, he will ask you with concern and make you feel warm.

    7.     Man Lok’s behavior is very mature. When the phone rings at home, he will rush to answer it, like a housekeeper. No matter who the caller is, as long as he has called before, he can recognize who he is without waiting for the caller to tell. Say hello first and respond politely. When my friends knew that he was a three-year-old child, they were all surprised. He didn't like people to treat him as a child. He often hoped that he would grow up soon, and often asked: "Mommy! When will I grow up like my father?" When he was more than two years old, he didn't like to sit in the baby chair at home; when he was taken to a restaurant for tea, he even refused to sit in the baby chair. The waiters said it was strange that such a small child could behave sit in an adult chair gentlely.

    8.     Man Lok is very courageous. He has not been afraid of darkness since he was a child.  In the middle of the night, I ask him if he is afraid? He will hold his chest up and say he is not afraid. When he was two years old, he was taken to the park to slide down the slide. He followed the older children to climb to the heights without shrinking back. When he was taken to play in the swimming pool of Ocean Park, he was not afraid at all and had a great time, he even didn't take a break to rest.  After playing, he fell asleep immediately after changing his clothes. During the Chinese New Year, I took him to Macau for a trip. When he saw other people burning firecrackers, he wanted to try it. Amidst the noise of firecrackers all around, he was not afraid at all.

    9.     Man Lok likes to eat very much. Every day when I come home from get off work and step in the door, when he sees something in my hand, he asks: "Mommy! What did you buy to eat at home?". He rarely asks to buy toys, but he likes food, and he is not picky to food. He tries any food, no matter sweet, sour, bitter, or spicy. He especially likes to eat fruits and vegetables. He can eat two of the peeled and pitted oranges in one go. He also likes to drink milk. He drinks more than 20 ounces before going to bed every night.
Man Lok has a good stomach and likes to eat ice cream and soft drinks. On the contrary, his elder brother can't eat cold food because of nasal allergies and bronchitis. But there is a very strange thing, when Man Lok is sick, he doesn’t like to see western doctors and intake sweet western medicine. Instead, he insists on seeing the traditional Chinese Herbalist and drinking bitter herbal tea. He drink it down quickly, and won't clamor for preserved sweetie for the bitter herbal drink.

    The above descriptions are some of Man Lok’s life. Of course, many people think that in the eyes of every mother, children are more special than others, but in fact, according to the opinions of doctors, nurses, relatives, friends, kindergarten teachers and parents, Man Lok is indeed, has many differences from others. For example, the servant who takes care of the children in my family told me that when comparing the older son with the younger son, no matter in courage, health, learning ability, memory, adaptability and acceptance, the small ones are much stronger than the big ones, and I'm convinced this is a result of my meditation when I was pregnant. All in all, this child brings us joy and happiness, not a burden.

    As for myself, since I learned about meditation, I have gained a lot, and my physical ailments have been greatly improved. If it is not because of my busy work made me not to meditate very often, I believe the benefits will be even greater!

(Ms. Leung's narration above gives us a certain understanding of the fact of "enlightened person".  Human beings live in an environment that is constantly changing and suffers from varying degrees of pollution. How to breed a stronger, better able to adapt to the environment, better able to withstand pressure, more loving, and more "hot-blooded" next generation is very important. This is related to the future of humanity as a whole. I hope that Master Xi can spare some precious time to write some works on "enlightened person", so as to make the system of "All-stages Meditation" more complete, and it will definitely be helpful and effective in the promotion and development of meditation in the future!

                    Yeung Hung  (Year 1996)