


第一次說明:報告事實和我們 的一些意見

一.有習「全程靜坐」的朋友告訴我們有一個叫做[太極仁園]的網站,其六,[靜默]:(一)[習閒……(六)本來自然]全是對「全程靜坐」盜竊與利用。即 使不是「全程靜坐」的習者,凡是讀過席老師著作的人士,見到諸如「習閒」「道心」「意識自覺到生命自覺」「本來自然」……這些詞句,也都知道這是「全程靜 坐」的東西。也有朋友告訴我們,有那樣一些人在幾處地方,利用這「全程靜坐」來教人靜坐。


本人鑒於在未具有傳授能力之前,若將所學任意傳 述,將有損「全程靜坐」之純潔與完整,且有貽誤他人之可能。為此,本人承諾在未經傳授人席老師確認具有傳授 能力及允許之前,不將所學向他人傳述。(後經1997年在香港正式訓練教師,「全程靜坐」開始在國外推廣之後,此承諾書後段之文字略有增加,加入[須經教 師訓練]之說明。)

三.現在這些盜竊利用「全程靜坐」的人,不僅是[違背承諾]的問題。這些人一開始就是以盜竊利用「全程靜坐」的目的來學「全程靜坐」,可能前後不止一人, 也可能是用假名填表。


五.各位見到這說明的朋友,如你(妳)們知道親友在那一些地方學靜坐,請將這篇說明轉告他(她)們。至於為什麼「全程靜坐」只有合格教師才能夠傳授,以及 那些人利用這「全程靜坐」的目的,我們將陸續說明。


Translated by : Translation Team

To the meditators of 「Hsi's All-Stages Meditation」:

Report on the theft and making use of「All-Stage Meditation」
 (extracted from the website of 「Hsi's All-Stages Meditation Tainan Meditation Center」)
(http://www.allstage.tw/February 2008)

《Our Report on the Theft and Exploitation of 「All-Stages Meditation」》

First note: reporting the facts and some of our opinions.

1.Friends who practice「All-Stages Meditation」told us that there is a website called [Tai Chi RenYuan] , in the sixth episode, [quietness]: (1) [leisure practice... (6) natural origins] are all about theft and exploitation of「All-Stages Meditation」. Even if you are not a practitioner of 「All-Stages Meditation」, anyone who has read Master Hsi’s books will know this when they see those words such as " leisure practice ", "Taoism", "self-awareness of consciousness to self-awareness of life", "originally natural"... It’s the terms of  “all-stages meditation”. Some friends also told us that there are people in several places who use this our"All-Stages Meditation" to teach people to meditate.

2. Only qualified teachers can be competent in teaching 「All-Stages Meditation」. Since 1981, when Master Hsi established「All-Stages Meditation Research and Promotion Center」 in Taipei, all learners have signed a commitment letter, which reads as follows:

“I admit that before I have the ability to teach, if I arbitrarily pass on what I have learned, it will damage the purity and integrity of "「All-Stages Meditation」and may cause confusion and detriment to others. For this reason, I promise not to teach what I have learned to others without the confirmation of my ability to teach and permission from the Master.”  (Note: After teachers were formally trained in Hong Kong in 1997 and 「All-Stages Meditation」began to be promoted abroad, the text in the second paragraph of this commitment letter was slightly increased, and the statement of  "requires teacher training" was added.)

3. Presently these people who steal and take advantage of the 「All-Stages Meditation」are not only a problem of [violation of promise]. These people learn 「All-Stages Meditation」from the beginning with the purpose of stealing and making use 「All-Stages Meditation」. There may be more than one person behind them, or they may fill out forms under false names.

4. We would like to point out specifically here, although that website mainly teaches meditation, they are not aiming to teach people to meditate. They use this 「All-Stages Meditation」as a means to attract the masses.

5. Friends who have seen this Report, if you know where your relatives or friends learn to meditate, please tell them this explanation.  As for why「All-Stages Meditation」can only be taught by qualified teachers, and the purpose of those people making use this 「All-Stages Meditation」", we will explain one after another.        

February 2008