加拿大覺友          Eugene Wing-King    (2020年11月 21 日)


有 些人認為靜坐是一個嚴肅的時候,我的看法就不同!靜坐應該做到最自然不過的事,不用意,不作為,就是。我因為知道我自己日日都在做,所以不用強硬今天要做 什麼,進行什麼。日日的情景,可以不同,亦可以相同,沒什麼目標!而且,我認為靜坐不單止不是嚴肅的,而相反,應該有好玩同好奇的原素存在。

(English version written by  Canadian meditator,  Eugene Wing-King  on November 21, 2020)

My point of view to Meditation

Some people think Meditation is a serious matter. I beg to differ. Mediation should be the most natural thing one can do. It should be effortless and spontaneous. As long as we meditate without consciously creating thoughts and just being non-interference, anything goes. Because I intent to meditate every day, I develop a habit of not concerning how I perform in a particular way. My experience can be different or the same from previous one each day. I have no expectations. So, not only meditation should not be taken seriously, but on the contrary, playfulness and curiosity should be an essential ingredients......... 。