加拿大覺友                    林振邦  (2022年11月12日)


我 從未有參加過靜坐。朋友告訴我自從靜坐後,她的健康有明顯改善。我在年初時身體也有些不太好的狀況,血糖偏高,要食藥。參加靜坐初時,我是持有一些懷疑的 態度,後來經過楊老師上課時講解和指導,慢慢接受了靜坐為日常生活的一部份。由開始靜坐十分鐘都覺得困難到現在可以持續一個小時或以上,慢慢開始發覺到靜 坐對我健康有了正面的影響。我現在每天都精神飽滿,腰背比以前直了很多。醫生告訴我最新的驗身報告,驗出身體各大指數都有所改善,尤其是血糖值也正常了。


                        林振邦      二O二二年十一月十二日

Translation  (translation team)

Written by:  Canadian meditator Lam Chun Bong (November 12, 2022)

I, Lam Chun Bong, was introduced by a friend in August 2022, and participated in the initiate course of [All-stages meditation] held by teacher Yeung Hung for about three months.

I have never participated in meditation. A friend told me that her health has improved significantly since she meditated.  At the beginning of the year, my health was not in good condition, my blood sugar was high, and I had to take medicine.  When I first participated in the meditation, I held some skeptical attitudes. Later, after Teacher Yeung explained and guided me in the class, I gradually accepted meditation as a part of my daily life. I found it difficult to sit still for ten minutes at first, but now I can continue for an hour or more. Slowly, I began to realize that meditation has a positive impact on my health. I feel full of energy every day now, and my back is much straighter than before. The family doctor told me about the latest medical report, which showed that all major body indexes have improved, especially the blood sugar level is also normal.

Without any other changes in daily life, the only change is to do [All-stages meditation]. I firmly believe that the improvement of the body has a positive and direct relationship with it. Here I would like to thank my friend who introduced me and Teacher Yeung Hung for his guidance, which gave me the opportunity to realize [All-stages meditation], which benefited me a lot.

Lam Chun Bong       November 12, 2022