加拿大覺友               Liza Chan  (March 5,2023)

It was such an amazing experience for this meditation learning. I cannot say that there is a tremendous change to me for now since I have only been practising that for 11 weeks and I am still very green. However, I have noticed there is a positive effect on my body. 

I am a very active person. I receive badminton coaching as well as a weight training once a week and play badminton games twice weekly. With all these intensive activities, I always have problem of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). However, for the past two weeks, I found that my body had recovered very quickly. I no longer have DOMS problem.

I believe that I will gain much more other benifits if I keep practising. I look forward to advancing in this miracle journey.

My hearthfelt thanks to our teacher, Mr. David Yeung and all the alumni's supports. 

                          Liza Chan  (05Mar2023)

英譯中: (翻譯組)
文章作者: 陳麗莎 (二O二三年三月五日)


我是一個非常活躍的人,每週接受一次羽毛球和舉重訓練,每星期參與兩次羽毛球比賽。由於這些強度高且密集的活動,我是有著延遲性肌肉酸痛 (DOMS)的問題。但是,最近兩週,我察覺身體恢復得非常快,不再有 DOMS 問題。



                    陳麗莎 (二O二三年三月五日)