加拿大覺友           Jonathan Yan (二O二三年三月五日)


前 陣子有家人說參加某個活動後,整個人變得精神和精靈,日常生活觀察,身心舒泰、開朗樂觀,相信與靜坐有關。經家人介紹,認識了楊洪老師,「全程靜坐」和一 班熱心的朋友,就這樣開始了對靜坐的探索。經過12節課程,包括8節初階和4節進階,從以往的一知半解到親身體會,便漸漸明白,「全程靜坐」可以融入生 活,卻不涉宗教、不設儀式、不違自然常識,只要持之以恆,在不知不覺間,身體狀況、心理狀態、分析能力、工作效率、都得到明顯而又正面的改善,充滿能量, 令我有重新出發的感覺。

                          甄均霖 Jonathan Yan

English Version:

Experience on《All-Stage Meditation》

A family member attended an activity session and said he has since been brushed up, astute throughout, feeling at ease, cheerful  as well as optimistic. These he believes are all related to practicing meditation.  Through him I got to know Master Yeung Hung, "All-Stage Meditation", and became friends with  a group of zealous people. That way I started exploring meditation. Through a 12-session course of  "All-Stage Meditation" , 8 of which rudimentary and 4 intermediate, I grew from a smattering to actual experiencing. "All-Stage Meditation" can be integrated in daily life without any involvement in religion, rituals, or against common sense. Just by constant practice, I gradually get all my physical, psychological conditions, analytical power, and work efficiency starkly improved with full energies as well as a feeling of brand new start.

Jonathan Yan