加拿大覺友            Christina Tse (2023年6月)




透 過八個星期的[全程靜坐]訓練,我學會了如何培養專注力和集中注意力的能力。我注意到自己在日常生活中更容易保持專注,思緒變得更加清晰和敏銳。無論是在 學習、工作、還是處理問題時,我能夠更有效地將注意力集中在當前的事情上。這種頭腦的清晰度提升不僅使我更具效率,還讓我更容易感受到當下的美好。


全 程靜坐訓練對於改善睡眠品質有明顯的幫助。在訓練過程中,特別是在睡前的靜坐練習中,我學會了放鬆身體和放下思緒,這有助於我減輕壓力和焦慮,並營造一個 平靜的內在環境,使我更容易入睡。我發現自己入睡更快,並且能夠享受到更深度的睡眠。每天醒來,我感覺更加精力充沛,並且能夠更輕鬆地迎接每一天的挑戰。


全 程靜坐訓練對於情緒調節和心理健康的提升有著顯著的影響。透過靜坐,我學會了觀察和接納內在的思緒和情緒,並以更寬容和平靜的態度對待它們。這使我能夠更 好地應對壓力和負面情緒,並且培養出更積極和平靜的心態。我在日常生活中更容易感到快樂和內在的平靜。即使面臨壓力和挑戰,我也能夠以冷靜和正面的方式應 對,更能夠欣賞和珍惜當下的美好。這種心情的舒暢度不僅影響著我自己,也對周圍的人和事。

                               Christina Tse (2023年6月)

Translation  (Translation team)
Written by:  Canadian meditator Christina Tse (June, 2023)

My feeling after meditation

After many weeks of meditation training, I mainly feel the following three points:

1.  Clear mind:

Through eight weeks of meditation training, I learned how to cultivate the ability to concentrate and to focusing. I noticed that it is easier for me to stay focused in my daily life, and my thoughts become clearer and more sensitive. Whether I am studying, working, or dealing with problems, I can focus more effectively on current things. This improvement of brain clarity not only makes me more efficient, but also makes it easier for me to feel the beauty of the moment.

2.  Sleep improvement:

The [All-stages meditation] training is obviously helpful for improving sleep quality. During the training, especially in the meditation practice before going to bed, I learned to relax and let go of my thoughts, which helps me reduce stress and anxiety, and create a calm internal environment that makes it easier for me to fall asleep. I found myself falling asleep faster and being able to enjoy deeper sleep. When I wake up every day, I feel more energetic and able to meet the challenges of every day more easily.

3.  Comfortable mood:

The [All-stages meditation] training has a significant impact on emotional regulation and mental health improvement. Through meditation, I learned to observe and adapt/accept my inner thoughts and emotions, and treat them with a more tolerant and calm attitude. This enables me to better cope with stress and negative emotions, and cultivate a more positive and calm mentality. It is easier for me to feel happy and inner peace in my daily life. Even in the face of pressure and challenges, I can deal with it in a calm and positive way, and appreciate and cherish the beauty of the moment. This mood of comfort not only affects myself, but also affects the people and things around me.

                                Christina Tse (June, 2023)