加拿大覺友        Grace Pang (2023年6月)


靜 坐聽起來覺得很神奇,但係做起來就覺得不可思議,因為之前我的右手很痛,係無時無刻的痛,但做了靜坐後就覺得完全唔痛,唔知是否因為靜坐後發生了變化或是 外來的影響,所以我都每日靜坐十五分鐘,持之已久,習以為常,因為練習時,我都不怕外來的干擾,而靜坐可以改變我的睡眠質素,每日可以輕鬆入睡九至十小 時。

                          Grace Pang 2023年6月

Translation  (Translation team)
Written by: Canadian meditator Grace Pang (June, 2023)

Meditation Experience

Meditation sounds amazing, but it’s unbelievable when I do it. Before, my right hand hurts all the time, but after doing meditation, I feel no pain at all. I don’t know if it is because of changes after meditation or external influences.  I have been meditating for 15 minutes a day and have been doing it for a long time because I am not afraid of external interference when I practice. Meditation can change my sleep quality and I can easily fall asleep for nine to ten hours a day.

                        Grace Pang  (June, 2023)