Canadian meditator  Matthew Ng

Meditation Experience

Hello, my name is Matthew and I am currently 15 years old.  I was introduced to All-Stages Meditation by my mom. Initially, I was skeptical and frankly speaking, I did not want to go.  How could just sitting help to improve my mental and physical well being?  However, throughout the instruction of the All-Stages Meditation course, I learned that meditation is a lot more than just sitting. Through Mr. Yeung I learned about the theory behind meditation, and how it could help improve my health.

Although I did not quite understand what was being taught at times (my Cantonese is not very good), I was able to use meditation to relax the stressors in my body, specifically my brain. Overall, I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to learn meditation and will continue to practice it in the future.

Matthew Ng

英譯中: (翻譯組)
文章作者:  加拿大覺友 Matthew Ng


你 好,我叫Matthew,今年15歲。我媽媽介紹我去學習[全程靜坐]。起初,我很懷疑,坦白說,我不想去。僅僅坐著如何有助於改善我的身心健康?然而, 在[全程靜坐]課程的教學過程中,我了解到靜坐不僅僅是坐著。透過楊老師,我了解了靜坐背後的理論,以及它如何幫助改善我的健康。


Matthew Ng