加拿大覺友   何美玉          (2023年11月7日)






Translation  (Translation team)
Written by: Canadian meditator Ho May Yuk  (November 7, 2023)

Meditation 17th month

How lucky I am to have the opportunity to learn All-stages Meditation from Teacher Yeung in April last year!

Now, I meditate really quietly, with very few movements and almost zero images! But I really enjoy the "quietness" that meditation brings to me. Meditating once every morning and evening makes me feel refreshed every day and joyful! And I am convinced that my physical condition has gradually improved from being weak, struggling to walk, and prone to cramps!

The most obvious thing was during my recent trip to Europe. My friends were worried that I wouldn’t be able to travel long distances with the group, but I actually did it!  Of course, first of all, I would like to thank my friends for taking care of me along the way. Although I was out of breath and walking hard, and was busy looking down at the rugged stone road and raising my head to catch up with the leader's flag. I finally completed the daily journey without hold back the group members!
I feel that meditating once a day in the morning and evening is really helpful. Meditating in the morning helps me regain my energy and start my journey again; meditating in the evening helps me eliminate fatigue and sleep peacefully! Meditation may not bring about quick changes in the body, but as long as we persevere, I believe that our health will slowly improve!

May Yuk
November 7, 2023