Canadian meditator     Nancy Doan  (December 13, 2023)

I was introduced to All-Stage of Meditation through my friend.  In the introduction session, Mr. Yeung asked the reason why I was there, and my answer at the time was because I was curious.  I think that we all have our own presumption of what "meditation" means, and question if/how this can help us. At the time, I cannot imagine myself sitting in one spot for 10 minutes let alone longer than that without any sort of device to pass time.  Throughout the sessions, I find that the more I practice, the longer I can meditate without realizing how time has passed. It was not until after I started this class that I realized I needed it, whether it is for my mental state of mind or just physical well being as these comes hand in hand.  It helps me to get better sleep, improve my temperament and help me through tough times when I struggle with pressure from life itself.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Yeung, for sharing your knowledge and providing us with a mechanism to better ourselves.  This has been integrated in my daily life, and I cannot imagine it is possible without your willingness to share your experience.
Nancy Doan

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文章作者: Nancy Doan

加 拿大覺友                      Nancy Doan (2023 年12月13日)

我的朋友向我推介[全程靜坐]。在講座介紹環節,楊老師問我來這裡的原因,我當時的回答是因為我很好奇。我認為我們對靜 坐的含義都有自己的假設,並質疑這是否/如何幫助我們。其時,我無法想像自己可以在一個地方坐上十分鐘,更不用說更長的時間而沒有任何打發時間的器材。在 整個學習課程中,我發現練習得越多,靜坐的時間就越長,而我並沒有意識到時間已然過去。直到我開始了這個靜坐課程後,我才意識到我需要它,無論是為了我的 精神狀態還是只是為了身體的健康,因為兩者都是齊肩並進的。它幫助了我獲得更好的睡眠,改善我的氣質,並幫助我度過與生活壓力作鬥爭的艱難時期。

 Nancy Doan