加拿大覺友 Rebecca Poon - (2014年6月1日) 

When I signed up for this class, I didn’t know much about meditation. All I knew was that it helps dealing with stress and it improves one’s health. Having skipped the orientation, I was in for a surprise when I started hearing my classmates talking about involuntary body movements triggered as a result of his/her meditation not long after our class started. Being somebody who does not have much experience in this area, I was initially sceptical, but when a close friend of mine started experiencing the same, I was a convert.

We were all taught from a young age ‘no pain, no gain’. A car needs regular maintenance for it to run smoothly; our rice paddy needs proper irrigation for the rice to grow. It strikes me the same applies to our health; our body needs us to invest time so that it can have a chance to heal itself.

I have had allergies all my life since I was a small kid. It has gotten worse since I immigrated to Canada and over the years, I react to a longer list of allergens than ever before. Like many sufferers, I take medication, I use nasal spray and I try acupuncture. All these help to a certain extent but none of them cures my allergies.

At the time I am writing this, I have not had noticeable improvement. Nevertheless, I am committed to giving my body a chance. I remain hopeful and optimistic that one day I will get my break.



