日 前推廣組茶聚時述及我們開班的新舊地點,我們因何放棄開班二十多年的澳門會而另覓地方;其後多得覺友賀孝華君義務借出寫字樓供我們活動,其後又因 COVID 疫情猖獗而又放棄到該處活動,以避免病毒傳染;後得到推廣組主席 Ray Li 妥善安排,到現時的新地點開班。以上就是我們活動地點多番轉折的情況。我謹此將當日將地方交還給澳門會的信件貼出,大家便明白箇中情況,免除誤解。







順祝 一切順利!

煩請代向 Mimi 及范先生致意,謝謝!

楊洪 拜上


Translation (translation team)

On November 3, 2022, Teacher Yeung sent the following text message about the turning point of the meditation class location to the WhatsApp meditators group:-

A few days ago at the tea gathering of the promotion group, we mentioned the new and old locations of our meditation classes, why we gave up the Macau Club, which has been in operation for more than 20 years, and looked for another place; after that, with the help of our meditator, Mr. Ho Hau Wah who voluntarily lent the office building for our activities.  But later on, gave up activities there due to the rampant COVID-19 epidemic to avoid virus infection; after proper arrangement by Ray Li, the chairman of the promotion group, the class started at the current new location. The above is the situation where our activities have changed many times. I would like to post the letter that handed over the place to the Macau Association that day, so that everyone can understand the situation and avoid misunderstandings.


Letter to Macau Association

Dear Sirs,

I have received from you a “Form of Premises Renting Fees” and a “Letter of Agreement” respectively, contents of which have been noted.

It has been 18 years since I was recommended by Mr. William Hung Kei, Chu (“William Chu”) the former Director of your Association, to start meditation classes in your Association in 1998. The purpose of my promotion of meditation is to promote the ancient Chinese way of meditation and health preservation, to teach people how to strengthen themselves, help themselves, improve physical and mental health, and get rid of physical and mental illness. Mr. William Chu, after full investigations and understandings, deeply felt that the meditation I promote is very meaningful and in line with the purpose of your club to serve the community. Therefore, after the cooperation terms and conditions were approved by the board of directors, I was approved to start meditation classes in your club. The cooperation terms and conditions and operation mode of the agreement so approved have been strictly abided and used by both parties to this day.  However, because the activities of the local community are affected by many objective factors, such as: long winter time, sparse population distribution, inconvenient transportation, Chinese seasonally travel back and forth to their original place of residence, people's ignorance of the meditation movement...etc., the enrollment situation of the meditation class is very unstable.

According to records in the past, many meditation classes enrolled only two or three students, but I am not a profit-seeking type, although the number of applicants is small, the class is still open for them. In order to bring the benefits of meditation to everyone in need, I don't hesitate to spend energy and time. For example, when a student asks for leave, in order to be able to catch up with the progress of the next session, I have notified your association in advance and unconditionally made up for the student. This has won word of mouth, and the students and I are grateful for the convenience provided by your association. Along the way, I have cooperated with your association seamlessly.  By here, I would like to express my deep gratitude to your association for the convenience, flexibility, and tolerance that have always given me in dealing with class activities. After many years of hard work, the beneficiaries enthusiastically recommended meditation to their relatives and friends. In recent years, the number of admissions has increased slightly. However, in view of the above-mentioned factors, the admission situation is difficult to be stable and unpredictable.

According to the conditions of cooperation, the income of the class is distributed proportionally based on the tuition fees collected by the enrollment; however, the new fees and charging methods stipulated in the "Form of  Premises Renting Fees" formulated by your association are quite different from the original conditions; After thinking about it again and again, I feel that it is really difficult to continue to operate meditation class in accordance with the conditions stipulated in this plan, so I have to choose to give up this activity venue that your association has provided for many years. Therefore, I would like to inform your club with this letter that the cooperative relationship between me and your association will be terminated on the date of submission of this letter, and the right to use the Sunday meditation class unit will be returned to your club immediately. Also, the current (fifty-fourth) meditation class has ended today, and the fee due to your association has duly been paid by me on the 2nd day of this month and received by your staff Mr. Cheng Chi Wai (David Cheng), so there will be no further disputes between your association and me herein. Finally, I would like to wish your association a prosperous future.

To Board of Directors and Secretariat of Toronto Macau Club


    (Signed: Yeung Hung)
Yeung Hung, Instructor of All-stages Meditation and Initiator of Aware of Consciousness

September 18, 2016

Received from Mr. Yeung Hung, the instructor of meditation a key to the meditation unit. The unit was inspected and confirmed to be in order.
Delivery date: September 18, 2016.

    (Signed: Lei Wai Ii)
Signature of Director of Toronto Macau Club

The following is the full text of the text message to Mr. Ho Yau Wah:

Hello Brother Ho, it's been some time since we last met!
First of all, I would like to thank you for your support and delight for me and "All-stages Meditation" in the past, and for lending the place of your esteemed factory unconditionally so that the promotion of  meditation can continue without interruption, the merits are immeasurable.  However, due to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic, the activity was forced to be suspended! Furthermore, it has been more than two years since the epidemic ravaged Canada, although the government has recently lifted the restriction on gatherings, it seems that the epidemic is still far from being completely under control.

Recently, some of our meditators eager to recommend relatives and friends in need to learn meditation, enquired when the meditation class will be reopened; but since the students who come to learn are foreigners, it is really difficult to detect whether there are any virus carriers! As you are running such a huge business, employing a large number of workers in the factory, so this is a big issue that I must not take the risk of borrowing your place for meditation class, as I cannot bear the heavy responsibilities and consequences!

Fortunately, with the arrangement of our meditator, Mr. Ray Li recently, we have rented the venue of the "Scarborough Senior Chinese Association (SSCDA) " so that we can continue to run the meditation classes.

I would like to express my thanks again and again to you! Your support and selfless dedication to "All-stages Meditation" has written a glorious and important chapter in the promotion history of "All-stages Meditation"!

I do hope that I will continue to receive the support, cherish and opinions from you in the future, so that the benefiting cause of  "All-stages meditation" will continue to develop!

I wish you all the best!

Please give my regards to Mimi and Mr. Fan, thank you!

Worship from Yeung Hung