
                在這網頁內你可獲得有關全程靜坐的資料,我們亦會將有關全程靜坐覺友會的進展,以及開班與講座等即將舉辦的活動日期不斷更新,請將此網頁之網址列入書籤內 以便日後翻閱,亦懇請各位將此網頁推薦給親戚朋友,令更多人享受到靜坐的好處.

Oct 15, 2024加入楊老師在一九九八年接受多倫多美加華語電台,朱萬舒小姐之採訪錄音(廣東話)∕The sound recoding of Mr. Yeung interviewed by Ms.Chu Man She at Canadian Chinese Radio, Toronto in 1998 (in Cantonese dialect of Chinese language)

按此聆聽 (Press here to listen)
Oct 6, 2024


Translated by : Translation Team

News from Taipei General Association [All-stages Meditation Research and Promotion Center]

Mrs. Guo Liqing,President of [All-stages Meditation Research and Promotion Center],specially faxed and instructed us to reprint a [Special Statement] issued by the General Association regarding the teaching of All-stages meditation.

To:  Respectful teacher Yeung,

    Nowadays, with the advanced science and technology, the invention and development of electronic communication and the Internet have provided convenience for interaction and communication between people and countries, and brought progress to society.  With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), on the positive side, human society will enter an era of disruptive innovation, but on the other hand, it will make it easier for criminals to use high-tech products to carry out illegal activities and commit different forms of fraud in telecommunications and online, which is difficult to prevent.

    In view of this, in order to prevent people with ulterior motives from using our [All-stages meditation] to commit fraud in the future and achieve any purpose whatsoever and howsoever, I recently published a [Special Statement] on the meditation website to remind people who are interested in learning All-stage Meditation to pursue true physical and mental health and avoid being deceived and harmed.

    You can repost this statement on your website as a precautionary measure.

Guo Liqing from Taipei

18 September 2024
Sep 22, 2024 重新加入[全程靜坐]被盜竊利用的說明(with English translation)
Sep 22, 2024 重新加入[全程靜坐被盜竊利用]我見(with English translation)
Sep 22, 2024 [全程靜坐]特別聲明 /Special Statement issued by [All-stages Meditation]
Aug 11, 2024 加入覺友靜坐記述(with Chinese/English translations of meditation experiences sharing)
April 1, 2024                                                 【教學活動公告】


有志學習「全程靜坐」者,歡迎來電咨詢教學相關資訊。我們歡迎公司及團体來電特約舉辦免費講座 ((416) 293-2636 留言/或電郵: all_stages@hotmail.com)。

(注:靜坐班暫停舉辦,直至另行通告;我們暫時祇提供私人及團體教授) 。

Dec 31, 2023 加入覺友靜坐記述(with Chinese/English translations of meditation experiences sharing)
Nov 25, 2023 第六十九屆靜坐班結業及在場新舊覺友合照 /graduation photos of Intermediate class and group pictures

加入覺友靜坐記述(with Chinese/English translations of meditation experiences sharing)
Nov 11, 2023

July 14, 2023

July 8, 2023 第六十八屆基礎班及養成班結業照片 /graduation photos of Initiate and Intermediate classes

加入覺友靜坐記 述 (with English translation of meditators sharing)
May 13, 2023 加 入[全程靜坐簡介]英文版/English version of 'Introduction to All-stages Meditation'

楊 老師2022年11月3日在WhatsApp覺友群組發放有關開班地點轉折的短訊 (text message from teacher Yeung to the WhatsApp meditators group about the turning point of meditation class location)
Apr 16, 2023 加入楊老師的文章「感想一則」(一九九三年) /(Translations of Article of [My Reflection] written by  Teacher Yeung Hung in year 1993)
Mar 23, 2023 加入活動圖片 (2023年3月12日講座) / Pictures of Meditation Seminar (2023/3/12)

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Mar 11, 2023 加 入香港覺友梁惠蓮的「懷胎靜坐記」及楊老師的「關於覺人的補述」(Translations of [Article of Meditation during Pregnancy] written by Ms Leung Wai Lin and [Supplementary Commentary] written by Teacher Yeung Hung)

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

Mar 1, 2023

Feb 16, 2023 [Master Xi’s facimile to teacher Yeung Hung about qualified teachers (Dated :May 1, 1999)] [席老師1999年5月1日傳真談合格教師(英文翻譯)]
Feb 13, 2023 加入一九九二年六 月十日年由席長安老師發出的合格教師聘書圖片
Dec 11, 2022 加入活動圖片
Nov 28, 2022 加 入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

Nov 3, 2022

July 22, 2022 加 入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

June 30, 2022

Mar 19, 2022

Dec 27, 2021 Hepatitis B and Meditation (November 19, 2021)
Nov 20, 2021 乙 形肝炎(HepatitisB)與靜坐(2021年11月19日)
Nov 20, 2021 Postscript of my self-treatment of [unbalanced ear fluid]
Oct 30, 2021 [耳 水不平衡自療]後記
Oct 16, 2021 Follow-up of the article titled “my self-treatment of [Unbalanced ear fluid condition]”
Oct 11, 2021 [耳 水不平衡自療] 跟進篇
Sept 11, 2021 [意 識自覺運動]在香港
Feb 23, 2021 [A Record of My Self-treatment of Shingles] 帶狀皰疹/shingles (生蛇) 自療記 (英文翻譯)
Feb 10, 2021 帶狀皰疹/shingles (生蛇) 自療記
Dec 26, 2020 楊老師2020年聖誕節發文
Nov 23, 2020 加 入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Nov 12, 2020 [耳水不平衡自療] 續記

Continued narrative of my self-treatment of [unbalanced ear fluid] [耳水不平衡自療] 續記 (英文翻譯)
Oct 28, 2020 [耳 水不平衡] 自療記  (寫於二○二○年十月二十一日˙加拿大)(中文)

[A record on my self-treatment of [unbalanced ear fluid] (written on October 21, 2020) [耳水不平衡] 自療記  ( 英文翻譯)]
Mar 25, 2020 加 入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

Nov 27, 2019

Sep 15, 2019 加入活動圖片

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
June 10, 2019 加入活動圖片

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
May 29, 2019

Feb 23, 2019 加 入活動圖片

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Feb 4, 2019

Jan 28, 2019 2019週年聯歡晚會影片 1 ()

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 2 (演說篇)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 3 (歡宴篇)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 4 (抽獎篇)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 5 (卡拉OK歌唱篇)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 6 (Welcome speech by Mr. Yeung)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 7 (Speech by Mr. Simon Ho)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 8 (Speech by Eiffie Wong)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 9 (Speech by Larry Lau)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 10 (Speech by Chung Lap Kwan)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 11 (Speech by Selene Yuen)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 12 (Speech by Ivan Lee)

2019週年聯歡晚會影片 13 (Speech by Barryce Yu)

參加覺友聯歡晚會的感受 (Peny Jun)

來 自台北靜坐研究推廣中心的消息  (席老師、師母傳真)

席 長安老師與師母特地由台北中心傳來恭賀我們覺友聯誼的週年慶祝活動,並提示靜坐的真正道理,受教之餘,我等心有榮焉!

Oct 20, 2018 加 入活動圖片

加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Oct 16, 2018

June 19, 2018


加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Feb 14, 2018

Feb 9, 2018 靜坐活動話當年


加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Jan 26, 2018 友2018

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 1 ()

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 2 ()

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 3 ()

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 4 (Welcome speech by Mr. Yeung)

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 5 (Speech by Mr.Simon Ho)

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 6 (Speech by Mr.Simon Jim)

2018週年聯歡晚會影片 7 (Speech by Madame Ronnie Cheung)
Nov 12, 2017 加 入活動圖片
Nov 4, 2017 加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
Oct 21, 2017

July 31, 2017 加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

July 19, 2017

April 25, 2017 加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)
為 方便未能閱讀中文的朋友,覺友 Eugene Wing-King,繼上日將楊老師那篇【開頂前後 ― 我的[再進化]】文章翻譯成英語後,現再將另一篇文章【雜談】翻 譯完成。【雜談】一文,重心指出目前世界各地社會不斷發生的種種問題,實與人類的意識有關。當人類的意識不再惡化,而且不斷的改變及改善,世界亦將隨之而 改變。如此,理想中的大同世界始能實現。席老師推廣的【意識自覺】 運動是偉大的,是最真實的,是人類共同的福音。在此謹向覺友 Eugene Wing-King 對推廣事業之貢獻再致萬二分的感謝及嘉許!

After translating the essay【Account of My "Opening of the Top" Experience - "Re-evolution"】(開頂前後 ― 我的[再進化]), Meditator Eugene Wing-King kindly translated another essay 【Discussion of various topics】(雜談) for audiences who is not able to read in Chinese. This essay points out the fact that all the conflicts and issues in this world are actually related to the consciousness of human beings. When the consciousness of human beings cease to worsen and start changing in the positive way, the world can also change in a positive trend. As a result, an utopia can finally become a reality. Master Si's promotion of All Stages Meditation is a great and realistic way to make the world a better place. Again, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for Eugene Wing-King's work to promote meditation.
Mar 25, 2017 加入活動圖片
Mar 20, 2017 加入覺友靜坐記述 (With Chinese/English translation of meditators' sharing)

Mar 2, 2017

Jan 16, 2017 覺 友二零一七年週年聯歡晚會滙報

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 1

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 2

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 3

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 4

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 5

二零一七年週年聯歡晚會影片 6
Dec 25, 2016 加 入楊老師的文章
覺 友 Eugene Wing-King得悉楊老師希望將【開頂前後 ― 我的[再進化]】一文以英語翻譯,以助西方人仕了解靜坐與身、心健康的關係,盼現代的科學、醫學、心理學及生理學科能有所啟發,另闢 蹊徑研究以及解決人類 健康問題;故而應允襄助,憑他對靜坐的體驗及以高超的文化水準完成了譯文。在此謹向覺友 Eugene Wing-King君對推廣事業所作之貢獻致萬二分感謝及嘉許! 

Meditator Eugene Wing-King learned that master Yeung wishes to translate the essay【Account of My "Opening of the Top" Experience - "Re-evolution"】(開頂前後 ― 我的[再進化]) to English in order for westerners to understand the relationship between meditation and physical and mental health; in hopes of modern science, medicine, psychology and physiology can inspire and find another path of research, and ultimately resolve human being's health issues. Therefore Mr. Eugene Wing-King kindly promised to help, using his meditation experience and superb language skills to complete the translation. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for his work to promote meditation.
Dec 10, 2016 更新覺友聯誼資訊

報 告:感謝覺友賀孝華君慷慨借出活動地方,養生講座得以在十一月二十日於新地點順利進行,並即席有 十位朋友報名,參加二十七日舉辦之靜坐基礎班。本人藉此再三向 賀覺友與及一眾熱心參與推廣全程靜坐的覺友們致萬二分謝意。老子云:[既以為人己愈有, 既以與人己愈多] ,參與推廣活動,以生命影響生命,當令人生更有意義,更多得著。現隨此文貼上當日活動圖片,以作紀錄,在[全程靜坐] 的推廣史上,記下重要的一章。  (楊洪  寫於二○一六年十一月二十三日 )

好 消息!靜坐班定日重開!


覺 友 賀 孝華君日前得悉靜坐班在不得已之情況下停辦,對於這個使人自強、自救的利世運動如斯停頓下來,深感婉惜,故其主動襄助,無條件提供地方供靜坐班使用,令[全 程靜坐]之 推廣得以繼續,賀覺友這等無私、利他之行為,正是自我生命發出光輝以照亮他人之表現,本 人特此對 賀 覺友這無私精神加 以表揚,並謹代表[席氏全程靜坐] 創 辦人 席長安老師與及欲學習全程靜坐之朋友們,向 賀覺友及其好友暨覺友 Mr. Henry Chan人之鼎力相助與支持致無限感激及謝意!

Nov 25, 2016 加入活動圖片

Nov 9, 2016

Sept 25, 2016 加 入覺友靜坐記述

June 13, 2016 加 入覺友靜坐記述

May 26, 2016

Feb 6, 2016


Dec 20, 2015 加 入楊老師的文章

Oct 4, 2015

Sept 13, 2015 加 入新頁[楊老師的文章]


May 22, 2015 加入覺友靜坐記述

May 4, 2015

Jan 20, 2015 加入活動圖片
Jan 14, 2015 加入覺友靜坐記述

Jan 8, 2015

Jan 3, 2015 台北席長安老師網頁

Dec 22, 2014 加入活動圖片 - Annual party of All-stages meditators - December 14, 2014
Nov 22, 2014 2014 年終聯誼聚會
Oct 12, 2014 加入覺友靜坐記述



Aug 22, 2014


July 7, 2014 加入覺友靜坐記述

Feb 18, 2014

Nov 25, 2013 加入活動圖片 <二零一三年聯歡照片>
Nov 23, 2013 加入活動圖片 <二零一三年聯歡照片>
Oct 23, 2013 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Oct 17, 2013 加入覺友靜坐記述
Oct 9, 2013 更新覺友聯誼資訊


Oct 3, 2013

Aug 28, 2013 加入活動圖片
Aug 8, 2013 加入活動圖片
July 20, 2013 加入活動圖片

June 14, 2013 更新覺友聯誼資訊

Mar 20, 2013 加入活動圖片
Mar 12, 2013 更新覺友聯誼資訊


Mar 2, 2013

Jan 1, 2013 恭祝各位新年快樂﹐身體健康!


Nov 27, 2012 加入活動圖片

Nov 06, 2012

Nov 01, 2012 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Oct 24, 2012 加入活動圖片
Sept 5, 2012 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Aug 31,2012 加入覺友靜坐記述
Aug 19, 2012 加入覺友靜坐記述

July 25, 2012

April 25, 2012 加入活動短片
April 15, 2012 更新覺友聯誼資訊

Mar 23, 2012 加入新項目“活動短片”
Jan 22, 2012 恭祝各位新年快樂﹐身體健康!

Jan 15, 2012 加入覺友靜坐記述

Dec 31, 2011 二零一一年聖誕 聯歡照片
Nov 25, 2011 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Nov 17, 2011

Oct 12, 2011 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Aug 15, 2011 加入新項目活動圖片


Feb 25, 2011 更新覺友聯誼資訊

加入第卅七屆靜坐班覺友靜坐記述及照片 (2010年11月至2011年2月)
Jan 30, 2011

Nov 17, 2010 加入覺友靜坐記述

Oct 28, 2010 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Oct 21, 2010

June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010 加入第卅五屆靜坐班覺友靜坐記述
Jan 29, 2010

Jan 19, 2010 更新覺友聯誼資訊
Jan 19, 2010 加入席老師文章 "生命自主的化解與再進化"
Dec 24, 2009 加入新項目“席老師的文章”
Dec 9, 2009 加入新項目“覺友聯誼資訊”
Nov 25, 2009
Nov 16, 2009 加入第卅三屆靜坐班覺友靜坐記述
Oct 25, 2009

Aug 20, 2009
Aug 19, 2009
July 19, 2009

Mar 15, 2009

Nov 6, 2008
Nov 5, 2008
Oct 26, 2008
Oct 25, 2008
Sept 27, 2008

Aug 28, 2008
Aug 14, 2008  關於 [全程靜坐被盜竊利用] 我見
July 25, 2008   有關「全程靜坐」被盜竊利用的說明
July 2, 2008

Sept 17, 2007
July 3, 2005
Dec 07, 2004
July 9, 1999
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Hsi's All-Stages Meditation (A.M.) Homepage of Canada 1999-2008
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